Why A Commonplace journal?

I want this little space to be not just a marketing tool on my website, showcasing the weddings that have come before, you can find all of those in my Portfolio pages. I wanted a place where I can pop ideas, inspirations & general musings all in one place.

Like a lot of people in modern life, I struggle with perfectionism & often have to remind myself that done is better than perfect.
This corner is a place that doesn’t have any time for perfectionism I’m afraid. It’s here, with all it’s spelling errors, gramatical mishaps & idiosyncrasies (that one I did have to spell check!). So full disclaimer from the onset.

The term Commonplace when referring to a journal, book or notepad I found from Jordan Clark via The Daily Good.

Why not just a journal?
No pressure of time contraints & trying to keep up with a diary / scheduling / gross goals. I’m avoiding the journal becomming another task on the marketing wheel. I want to make it work for me & you!

I’m here to document my inspiration & thoughts in an organic way. Things you can expect to find here;

  • An excerpt from a book - I’m an advid reader but once that books closed it disappears from my conscious!

  • Advice I’ve been given

  • Musings on wedding planning while I’m going through the journey with my clients

  • Behind the scenes on a wedding or elopement days

  • Imagery that sparks interest & curiosity

  • Thoughts on the projects that I’m working on.

It will all live here.

The sheer AMOUNT of notebooks that are stacked up on my bookcase. I need one place & why not share it with other like minded people just like you.

Photo by my gorgeous friend & colleague @RosannaLillyphotography & from Unsplash which is a background on my Trello board.

Kate Signature

Behind the scenes of an Alpine elopement